I lost Oscar on February 10th. Oscar was one of my guinea pigs. He was a funny, curious boy that continued to make me laugh. He was the only one who would sit at the bottom of the stairs and wheek at them for no apparent reason.
He will be missed.
I don't deal with death very well. I understand that it is part of life. I just can't be around dead bodies. It doesn't matter if it is human or animal. It is not how I want to remember them by. I like to remember their live selves. I am just weird like that. I didn't see my mom. She was cremated before the funeral. I wasn't there when she passed away. This is good because I just remember her alive.
I am rambling.
I tend to do that.
I also talk to myself sometimes.
My daughter always asks why I talk to the guinea pigs or the cat. I tell her that it makes me seem less crazy. lol
Anyway, sorry that this isn't mind blowingly awesome but it will have to do. I am tired and I have to work in the morning.