I had a rough day. Just some bullshit at work, the kind of bullshit that caused me to second guess my decision to do what I do. I hate that feeling and it is hard to shake it.
But that isn't the reason for this post...
After my day, I came home to eat, log into Facebook and to chill on the couch. I saw a post by a friend...
"Why am I important to you? Make that your status. See what you get."
I answered her post, copied it and posted it as my own status.
Then I got to thinking, "Why should we have to ask that?"
Why don't we ever tell someone why they are important to them? Why not share it without being prompted?
Life is rough and even rougher for some. Why not just say "Hey, you matter to me and my life is better for having you in it."
Wouldn't that be awesome if we just did that?
With all of the negativity in the world today, it would be nice to just hear something positive.
And hey...
You are important to me, because without you, I would not be sharing my thoughts with anyone. Thank you for reading.