Katherine Marlene was born at 16:16 pm on June 9, 2002. She was a petite 7 pounds, 5 ounces and had a full head of hair. She had big, beautiful eyes and long fingers. She had a tiny little birthmark on her earlobe. We knew she was a girl long before she made her appearance.
As she grew, her personality really started to shine. She was smart and funny. She was also quite trying on the patience at times.
Her teen years started with her always wanting to succeed in school, bringing home straight "A"s without me even having to push. She was always harder on herself.
Teenage Kate had her hard moments. We struggled with her eating disorder and low self esteem. We sought help on numerous occasions. She attempted suicide once and was hospitalized. Once we found the right treatment, she started to soar.
At the beginning of this September it all came to a halt.
Her move in day at the start of her sophomore year of college turned into a nightmare.
She was raped by another student in his dorm room.
She internalized the trauma for about ten days before she told me. Ashamed and embarrassed, she didn't want to be judged. As a rape victim, one tends to blame themselves and is often afraid to speak out. A victim feels afraid of retaliation and also fear that they won't be believed. A victim is in shock and is unable to fully process what has happened to them.
I finally talked her into reporting it and she went to the hospital to get examined. During the exam, she vocalized wanting to die and they had to commit her to behavioral health for 72 hours.
After her release, she was exhibiting signs of delusions and hallucinations. Her dad was concerned and brought her back to the hospital. She has been diagnosed with psychosis. She has been creating an alternate reality to hide from the trauma of the attack.
As a parent, I cannot explain how horrible it feels to have lost your child on top of knowing what she has been through to bring her to this point.
She doesn't deserve this.... any of it.
I cannot visit her due to covid restrictions. I cannot hold her and tell her that she will be alright. I cannot take away any of her pain. I couldn't protect her from the monster who did this to her. I cannot wipe her tears.
When I talk to her, I don't know this Katie.
I pray that I have not lost her. I pray so hard.
I listen for any little hint that she's still in there somewhere.
I don't want to be losing Kate.