Thursday, January 10, 2013

Used To

I used to write a lot.

I mean, seriously, a lot.

I've gotten away from it.  I always had something to say or wanted to pass a fleeting thought.  I called it my mind dump.  It was like dumping something that was just sitting in my head before I went to bed.  It helped me rest better.

I am strange like that.

I got away from writing and started creating stuff.

My latest stuff is cell phone dust plugs.

These are little plugs that fit into the little hole on top of your cell phone. They help to keep the dust and dirt out and they add a little pizzazz to your phone.

I have the popular animal plugs:

and sports plugs:

more can be found here:

I should really write more though.  I have a lot going on in my head and I just need to let it out.  I wish I could just sit and write a book but my attention span is as wide as a dime (if that).  I have all these great ideas for a book or even a series of blog posts.  *sigh*

But for now....

I will just keep on creating.

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