Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Dear Katie

Hello my darling daughter...

I know this will probably embarrass you in some way but sometimes blogging is the way I express my feelings.

Sometimes I feel like I fail as your mother.  I think that I struggle empowering you to feel like you can conquer the world.  I feel that I don't give you the strength to be strong and confident to face the days that aren't so good.  I want you to learn to be strong on the days that aren't so good.  I want you to learn to be confident on the days where you feel like falling apart.  I want you to learn to be brave on the most scariest occasions.

I know we've had some hard times.  I know that those hard times continue to haunt us.

I also feel like I need to apologize for your father and his failure to be a good dad to you.  Just know, I wish things were different but at the same time, if they were different and I had made different choices, I would't have you.

You often think that I don't care.

But I do care very much.

Some days it is hard, and you have no idea how hard it is to be a mother.

I don't make excuses but I didn't have very good role models for parents.  My own mother issues haunt me.  I never want to do to you what my own did to me.

I knew you before you were born.  I chose your name, Katherine Marlene.  I spoke to you even when you were inside me.  

I wish that you could see how I see you.

You are beautiful.  You are funny.  You are capable of great things.

I just wish that you can see that too.

I love you very much.

...... your mother

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