Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rainy Days and Mondays

Some days are just hard.

If you read my posts a lot, you already know that and you also know that I write to help deal with my depression as it creeps in and out like an evil character.

I can't control it sometimes and I just have to feel it.  It hurts in a way that I cannot describe it.  There is no pill.  There is no relief.  I just my tools to limp through it.

It had been building up for a time.  I knew it was coming.  I've taken several blows to my psyche.  Failure and physical pain teamed with weather and financial stress was a recipe for an emotional shit storm.

Yesterday, it just came to a head.

One bad day can just tip it into the basket.

Today I woke up in a mood.  Crying and sad, I forced myself to get dressed and head to work.  I had hoped that it would pass as the day went along but no such luck.

When I was walking out to my car, the thoughts came.  The scary thoughts that may cause alarm to anyone if I had spoken them out loud.

"What if I just disappeared?"

"What if I just ended it?"

"No one cares."

"The pain just needs to end."

"I'm always so alone."

You get the idea.

Now, I would never ever hurt myself or end my life but those thoughts do pop in the head.  I'm sure if I didn't understand that depression lies, that I probably would do something to harm myself.

I just have to let the thoughts come so that they can go.

There are times where the fight is difficult.

There are times when I feel that I give more of myself to others than I receive.  It takes a toll on me and it becomes hard to take care of myself first and that I need to give myself to me first.

I always find it interesting that people will mention that I look tired.  I am tired.  Fighting my own demons is exhausting.  I can never say that to them.  I just agree that I am tired and continue on.

At least I acknowledge my struggles and understand them.  I know that it isn't easy for others.

Tomorrow is another day and it is one day closer to getting past this round.


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