Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Guarded Heart

I’ve been fighting demons again.

The struggle becomes so difficult that I’m my own enemy.  My mind becomes a weapon against me.

My walls are so damn high and I am just lost.

I need to get back into therapy before it becomes too late.

I used to love so easily and freely. I gave myself to those who didn’t deserve it, sacrificing myself in the process.

Lately I don’t even recognize myself.

I feel so unloved and unwanted, not only by others but even I don’t even want me.  I feel so unloved and closed.  I hurt.

A lot.

I don’t know what to do.

I sit in my solitude.  It is so quiet but at the same time I hear my mind just screaming.  I wish it would just stop.

The lies.  I know my mind is lying but sometimes is just easier to just accept the fact that I’m not worthy of a life of love and laughter.  I’m not worthy of someone’s time.  I’ve become an afterthought or even just a booty call and that’s all I deserve.

My mind is a liar and I just accept it.

I don’t know how to ask for help.

Tears stream down my face as I type this.

Every day I just feel more broken.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Spark is Gone

This post may be quite lengthy as I am starting to write it in April.  I have said in the past that I need to write to clear my head.  I have had some hard thoughts travel through it for the past few weeks and I would like to get them down before I forget what I want to say.

It is getting close to the end of April.  I accepted a new job offer last week.  It is really hard not to say anything as I won't be leaving my current postilion until the end of May.  

A job I once loved is now something I just loathe.  It fills me with sadness and I wish I could just get the message out there without seeming bitter.  I hope this doesn't come out like that.

My love for Walmart started around 1984 when my grandparents came back from their annual winter excursion to the south.  My grandma told the story of how they came across this wonderful store called Walmart.  The people were so friendly and the prices were just amazing.  Every year after that, grandma would come back and I would ask about her trips to the fabulous Walmart.

Fast forward to 1993...

I was in my senior year of college.  I was married and my husband often pressured me to leave school as it was not bringing in any income.  I tell people I left because I ran out of money and patience.  This was sooo not true.  If I had finished, money wouldn't have been a problem but I digress.

I decided to apply at the open interview session for the new Walmart store in our area.  I had sat with an assistant manager, answered the questions and then went for a drug test.  I waited for what seemed like forever.  I didn't think he liked me.  I wasn't going to be hired.  I wanted to work for the store that my grandma had praised time and again.  I wanted that adventure.

Then I got the call.

They wanted me for a second interview.  I went in and just nailed it.  I believe I was told right then that I was hired as a cashier.

It wouldn't be a glamorous job but I was in the door.

We walked into an empty building.  I worked in receiving, checking in merchandise.  Every day, the store started looking like it was raring to go.  We got training.  We learned the famous cheer.  By the time opening day came, we were ready.

I did everything that was asked of me.  I received raises and then a promotion.  I loved the people, the customers.  I was good at what I did.  I was proud to be a Walmart associate.

Sadly, my first time with Walmart ended after about two years.  I made some poor choices.  An assistant manager and I moved in together.  We had a baby.  This was against Walmart's policy and I understood and resigned.

I still loved Walmart though.  My son's father was still an assistant manager.  We moved where the company sent him.  

After about two years, the relationship fizzled.  

To make a long story short, since this as nothing to do with Walmart, let's fast forward.

I had been working as a legal secretary for the Manitowoc Company for seven years.  The job had become stale.  I needed to break free of the cubicle.  I was depressed and my therapist suggested change.

One day I wrote every single job I had ever had down.  This was quite a list.  I circled my top three favorite jobs, two restaurants and Walmart.  So, I went and applied.

Not more than two weeks later I had an interview.  I sat with the sporting goods department manager, then the zone supervisor and then the assistant manager.  I was called in again.  They offered me the job.

Mind you, it was a part time, sales associate position but I was back.  I was only going to make $8 something an hour.  At the time, it wasn't about the money or the hours.  It was about pushing myself to succeed.  It was about working hard.  It was about overcoming challenges and climbing the ladder.

I remembered from my first go around that Walmart was based on Sam Walton's values.  I often remembered his quotes and they inspired me.  (Going forward, Sam's quotes with be noted and my response will follow.)

"Appreciate everything your associates do for the business."

Walmart used to treat its associates well.  It encouraged input and recognized when an associate needed the company to stand with them.  Walmart used to care about work/life balance.  Walmart encouraged promoting from within.  Walmart rewarded for hard work with merit raises and seemed to treat everyone fair.

Currently, I believe that Walmart has turned completely around on this basic principle.  My brother-in-law was with Walmart for 23 years.  23 years!!!!  He started as a part time lawn and garden associate and worked his way to co-manager.  He moved his family to where ever the company needed him.  He gave up holidays, birthdays and other functions for the company.  He was rewarded with termination due to position elimination.  He had the option to move but they had just bought a house and finally the family came first.  

My job was eliminated as well.  I went from working 4 ten hour day with three days off to working 4 am to 1 pm.  I hate it.  I hate every part of it.  I did it for the company.  I thought that if I did whatever needed to be done, I would do it and be rewarded.  

As of this writing, I have gone pretty much as far as I could go.  I took an assessment to determine if I could promote to the next level and didn't pass.  This was the second time that this had happened.  I was supposed to have a manager sit with me but he kept leaving the room.  My store manager never said anything other than "I didn't know you were taking the test." and this was after I had told her.  I felt unimportant.  I felt like a complete failure.  It had become extremely difficult to put on a face and not be depressed or hostile.  My son had a valid point, I was not the failure, my management team failed me. 

When I inquired about the assessment, I was told to get with my HR person.  When I asked, she blew me off and said that she couldn't help me.

I wanted out.

"The key to success is to get out into the store and listen to what the associates have to say"

"Oh the big wigs are coming, we need to watch out.  We need to get our shit together."  This is a generalization as to what is said when management learns that a visit is happening.  It feels as if the wrath of God will happened and we will all go to hell.  When in fact, this should be an opportunity for us to talk to them.  Walk with them and be proud of what we do.  When they come, they never talk to us little people  They never listen to our challenges.  I used to talk to our market manager but I stopped once I got the feeling that I was just a hired hand.  

"The way management treats associates is exactly how the associates treat the customers"

I used to think our management team was good and decent.  I generally enjoyed working with all of them until I saw things that caused me concern.  When I was going through a horrible time, I got really sick.  I had a bad case of the flu and was on my way to the doctor.  My phone rang and it was an assistant manager telling me that I called in on one of the busiest days of the year.  I couldn't help it.  I also didn't need the guilt trip.  It was no way to treat someone.  

I also know that some associates are favorites and some are not.  It is hard to watch.

I also hear complaints from management about certain associates and instead of correcting the problems, they just let it go.  Then the hardworking associates get to work double hard.  It becomes stressful.

So I made the decision to leave.  I cannot work for a company that isn't the same as it had been.  This company seems to veer away from the very foundation that its founder built.

Writing this entry was difficult for me.  I feel let down by a company I once had a deep love for.  I feel that the company has turned its back on the very foundation that it was built on.

It is sad.

I am also angry.  

I wish I could do something to change it.  I wish I had a voice.  I wish I didn't feel this way.  

I wish a lot of things.  

The biggest feeling for me is the disappointment.  I tried hard to make it to the top but I seemed to have missed it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rainy Days and Mondays

Some days are just hard.

If you read my posts a lot, you already know that and you also know that I write to help deal with my depression as it creeps in and out like an evil character.

I can't control it sometimes and I just have to feel it.  It hurts in a way that I cannot describe it.  There is no pill.  There is no relief.  I just my tools to limp through it.

It had been building up for a time.  I knew it was coming.  I've taken several blows to my psyche.  Failure and physical pain teamed with weather and financial stress was a recipe for an emotional shit storm.

Yesterday, it just came to a head.

One bad day can just tip it into the basket.

Today I woke up in a mood.  Crying and sad, I forced myself to get dressed and head to work.  I had hoped that it would pass as the day went along but no such luck.

When I was walking out to my car, the thoughts came.  The scary thoughts that may cause alarm to anyone if I had spoken them out loud.

"What if I just disappeared?"

"What if I just ended it?"

"No one cares."

"The pain just needs to end."

"I'm always so alone."

You get the idea.

Now, I would never ever hurt myself or end my life but those thoughts do pop in the head.  I'm sure if I didn't understand that depression lies, that I probably would do something to harm myself.

I just have to let the thoughts come so that they can go.

There are times where the fight is difficult.

There are times when I feel that I give more of myself to others than I receive.  It takes a toll on me and it becomes hard to take care of myself first and that I need to give myself to me first.

I always find it interesting that people will mention that I look tired.  I am tired.  Fighting my own demons is exhausting.  I can never say that to them.  I just agree that I am tired and continue on.

At least I acknowledge my struggles and understand them.  I know that it isn't easy for others.

Tomorrow is another day and it is one day closer to getting past this round.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Dear Katie

Hello my darling daughter...

I know this will probably embarrass you in some way but sometimes blogging is the way I express my feelings.

Sometimes I feel like I fail as your mother.  I think that I struggle empowering you to feel like you can conquer the world.  I feel that I don't give you the strength to be strong and confident to face the days that aren't so good.  I want you to learn to be strong on the days that aren't so good.  I want you to learn to be confident on the days where you feel like falling apart.  I want you to learn to be brave on the most scariest occasions.

I know we've had some hard times.  I know that those hard times continue to haunt us.

I also feel like I need to apologize for your father and his failure to be a good dad to you.  Just know, I wish things were different but at the same time, if they were different and I had made different choices, I would't have you.

You often think that I don't care.

But I do care very much.

Some days it is hard, and you have no idea how hard it is to be a mother.

I don't make excuses but I didn't have very good role models for parents.  My own mother issues haunt me.  I never want to do to you what my own did to me.

I knew you before you were born.  I chose your name, Katherine Marlene.  I spoke to you even when you were inside me.  

I wish that you could see how I see you.

You are beautiful.  You are funny.  You are capable of great things.

I just wish that you can see that too.

I love you very much.

...... your mother

Thursday, February 21, 2019

It's Ugly Head


It rears its ugly head.

It seeps into my deepest crevasses and digs deep.

Sometimes it feels so physical, like it grips so tight.

I felt it coming.  It was just a matter of time for it to start to really hurt.

Sometimes I cannot mentally prepare for it.  I just have to let it come.

So I hurt.

I fail to understand some things.  The why for what causes it. 

Like "Why doesn't he talk to me anymore?" and "I feel like I am just not good enough." and also "I am not strong enough to cope."

My daily physical pain wears on me too.  There is just never any complete relief.

The weather plays a part.  I am tired of fighting the cold.  Sick of the constant white backdrop.

Work is becoming mundane and repetitive.  Waking at the ungodly hour of 3 am is wearing thin.

Instead of reaching for a razor this time, I find myself wanting to just disappear.  I want to run and be unknown.  I want to reinvent myself and not be the current me.

It's such  a sad, lonely feeling.

There is no joy, no laughter, no happiness.....

only me and my depression....

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My "Why"

I was told that I needed to lose ten pounds in order to even start the ball rolling to have my knee replaced.

I panicked.

I have been the same weight since 1996.  (or that's what I tell myself)

I'm a liar.

I have weighed less, considerably less.

Mayo clinic is who I've been dealing with and they have a valid point.  Even though I think that people heavier than me have had knee replacement.

I had to come up with a plan.  I know that I suck at doing it on my own.  I have been set in my eating ways for a long time.  I drink regular Coke like it's going out of style.  I eat Hostess crap.  I love my chips and burgers.

Well, most of the previous paragraph should be in past tense.

I joined weight watchers about two weeks ago.  I have to say that it is working so far.  I am down 12 pounds.

I am surprised at myself and how well I have adjusted my eating habits.  I feel better.  I reach for fruit instead of cookies.  I drink flavored water.  (Shout out to Crush for the flavor packets)  I eat chicken and shrimp.  

I have met my first weight loss goal and had my weight certified by my doctor to send to Mayo Clinic.  Honestly, I cried when I got on the scale.  I didn't think I could do it.

Now I am seeing how far I can go with this.  I secretly struggle with my self image.  Maybe it is just time.

Weight Watchers suggests that we have a "why" for wanting to be healthier.  

My "why" was my knee surgery but now my "why" is for me.