Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Recliner Incident

Some of you may or may not know that I am totally in love with a little guinea pig named Dog.

Dog has a little friend who is quite new to our family named Oscar.  I love Oscar too. 

but this is a post about Dog.

Dog is my our (but mostly mine) first guinea pig.  He is quite spoiled and well cared for.  He has issues with his skin and such that make him quite a little handful at times but his personality and ability to comfort in times of sorrow.  He snuggles and gives kisses.  He talks to you when he wants something.  He isn't afraid to try new things to eat.

I have done all sorts of reading on how to best care for these little guys; no pine bedding, clip their nails, give them floor time, buddies are best, boar cleaning (google it, it's gross), what to feed them, what not to feed them, how to take them outside, how to make them talk to you, how to get them to trust you...

You get the picture.

Well, tonight the recliner almost took our little Dog away.

My daughter was sitting in it and leaned back and I heard (she heard too) a high pitch scream from under the chair.

All of my blood rushed to my feet.

I looked around and saw Oscar but where was Dog?


Dog was under the recliner.  He was the pig who screamed.  

He was dead...I just knew it.....

Kate moved as quick as anyone could and I tipped the recliner forward, fearful of what I might find.

Dog scurried from under the chair and went behind the coffee table.  I was relieved to see that he could walk and he was breathing.

Once caught, I gave him the once over.  Then I gave him the twice over.  I checked a third time just to make sure that all of his parts were where they were supposed to be and not broken.

I then cried.

Heaven help me the day these little loves get to be too old and pass over the Rainbow Bridge.

I love these little fuzzbutts.

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