Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Total Miscarriage of Justice

I never in a million years expected something so horrible could happen to my family.

This blog has been written and deleted and rewritten again because I wasn't too sure I wanted to share or if I wanted to keep it to myself.

So I guess sharing won.

To give some history....

I was married once to a guy and we had a kid.  We bought a house.  We had problems and divorce.  The kids and I moved out.  (My son was from a previous nightmare relationship.)  

Fast forward ten years....

My kids and I were living in a small apartment and the neighbors were giving the police lots of business.  I approached my ex since he bought a new house and our old house was sitting vacant for two years. I offered to buy it from him on land contract.  

We saw a lawyer but never finalized things.

My dumb ass moved us in anyway, trusting this man to follow through with finalizing everything.

Fourteen months go by.....14!

His new girlfriend doesn't like the idea of any of this,

She gets herself involved.  She gets him to sign a power of attorney.

She files for eviction.


Not him

This eviction goes to court and then is dismissed on a technical issue.

I agreed to be moved out by December 15th.  

I agreed!!!!  

A second eviction was filed by her six days after the first eviction was dismissed.


Even after I said I was moving out.

Second eviction was filed by her without him even knowing she did it.


My ex said he was going to get the second eviction dismissed.  He told me this in person.  He said this in front of his daughter.  He said he was going to call me the next day. 

He never called so I called him..... six times.

He never answered.

I get a phone call from the chief of our local police department telling me to stop harassing my ex and that I am not allowed to call him again.


So I put together an answer to the complaint and went to court today.  The judge asked if I had anything in writing regarding the land contract, the agreements of my move out date, the dismissal.....

Of course my trusting dumb ass never thought about getting anything in writing.

And then the judge said that I had plenty of time to make arrangements to move out with my ex.  When I explained that there was no way to contact my ex since I get a trespassing ticket if I knock on his door (the girlfriend's doing) and I can't call him, the judge said that he is finding in favor of the eviction.

I was stunned.

I have a signed lease with my new place and can't move in until December 1st. 

The judge didn't care.

I mentioned that my daughter's father is making her homeless.

The judge didn't care. 

My daughter's father just allowed her to become homeless.

This man didn't even have the balls to come to court.  He gave his shitty girlfriend power of attorney over my property.  He hasn't even been with this twat for a whole year.

I came home to a sobbing child and I can't make this better.

I tried calling the ex's mother to try to get her to have him call me.  I explained what happened and how upset my daughter is and as that woman was hanging up, I heard her laughing.

The grandmother was laughing.


We have about three days before the sheriff comes to remove us.  We will not have any access to any of our property that is left here.

I cannot believe how quickly this whole mess went wrong.  I keep thinking that this is a nightmare and that it isn't happening.

It is right before the holidays.

How does a father allow this to happen?  What kind of grandmother laughs at her granddaughter's sorrow?  What kind of family does this?


I am thankful for my family and all of their support.  Even if they are hundreds of miles away, they are here for me.

I am thankful for my friends for the offers of help.  Many have offered to store our belongings and take in our animals until our new place is ready.  I am also thankful for those who have offered us a place to sleep for the next two weeks.

Even in this awful time, I am thankful for those who care.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

I've Never Met An Evil Atheist

My title in no way is intended to offend anyone.

I never judge anyone on their religion.  I never talk about my beliefs, however, I am a non believer.

With that being said....

Let's get on with what I really want to write about.

The last four weeks have been trying to say the least.  I cannot discuss what is really going on for the interwebs have eyes and I have someone who isn't very nice and is more than likely to use whatever against me.

However, I will discuss something that irks me.

There are Christians whom I have encounters who claim to be Christian but they seem to be the most awful, evil people out there.  They are openly judgmental and rude. They don't care who they hurt or how they present themselves.

But these people are Christians.  They hang pictures of Jesus in the home.  They tote bibles around with them.  They go to church every Sunday.

Blah blah blah....

I call bullshit on their fake ass facade.

Perhaps they do all these things in order to seek atonement for their sins.  They seek out forgiveness for the harm and hurt they cause others.

I refuse to go to church because I cannot sit among hypocrites.

I am sure there will be someone reading this who will say that all the bad things that have happened to me or will happen to me is because I am an atheist.


The bad things that have happened to me usually stem from some Christian who cannot seem to follow God's word.

I refuse to believe in some higher power just to justify someone's idea of how to be a good person.

I am good and kind.  I empathize with others.  I know right from wrong.

I don't need religion to be that person.

This entry stems from my severe anger involving a current issue.  I am in no way claiming that all Christians are hypocrites and I am in no way claiming that Atheists are stellar citizens either.

I just wish we all just stop hurting each other.