Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hand Me Downs

As a child I remember the hand me downs.  I always received clothes from my older cousins.  Getting a new bag of old clothes was always fun for me.  I loved my cousins' sense of style. (Even though I think my aunts had all the doing in it.)

We weren't poor but we weren't rich either.

I think my parents saved money this way.  Geico wasn't around to switch to back in the late 70's.

These days I think my daughter would have a major melt down at the very thought of wearing hand me downs.  She will not even go to Goodwill for Pete's sake.  

I try to explain that second hand jeans are the best when they are already broke in.  She doesn't buy it.

(Can't wait till that kid gets a job.)

What got me thinking about hand me downs didn't even have to do with clothes.

I am typing this blog on a hand me down (over) laptop.  My daughter never used it.


Do you know what her father had paid for this thing?


My other laptop, which was a hand me down (over) from my son, completely died.

There was no fanfare, no sparks, no blue screen of death.  It just stopped taking a charge.  No matter what new charger I bought for it, it just decided to die.

My children didn't only hand me down (over) computers....oh no.

I also have an iPad mini that my daughter never used.

Crazy eh?

These kids are strange.

Maybe they get it from me....

who knows.

But I like hand me downs.

never mind.... I'm not making sense.

I keep referring to my kids handing me "over" because they aren't really handing stuff down to me.  I am older after all. 

But they are taller than me...but I digress.

The real blessing in using the hand me down (over) electronics is that I can spend my money on other things.  Like groceries, bills and gas to get to work.

Maybe someday my kids will change their minds when they have kids of their own.