Monday, August 10, 2015

Life's Little Inconveniences

I always hesitate to post "Worst Day Ever" as my status on Facebook.

I had a few things go wrong today that caused me to question my sanity and a higher power as to why I was the chosen one today to receive such interesting events to happen.

I didn't cry about anything so there's that.

I did happen to loose my keys at the gas station this morning about 6 AM.  My keys slipped out of my hand and fell to the pavement and rolled in between the pump and the cement.  The crack was only about an inch wide but my bulky keys wanted to show the world that they were thin enough to fit.  The attendant came out with a screwdriver and attempted to fish them out only to push them deeper and out of sight.  *sigh*

I got a ride back to my apartment to get the spare key.  While we were riding, I was using the new app on my phone to transfer money from one account to the other in order to pay for the gas.  In my panic, I managed to lock my account up tighter than a drum and there was no money for gas.  I then had to call my son to come and pay for my gas.  *sigh*

Still not the worst day ever though....

There's more.....

I arrive at work about 45 minutes late which throws off my morning mojo.  I scrambled to get my routine on track.  I then discovered the bin of rotten watermelon.  There were 45 rotten melons to be exact.  These melons had to be hauled out to the organic bin.  We have someone pick up the organics for a compost pile.  Anyway, while I was tossing melons, one decided that I was way too clean in my white shirt and tan pants and exploded in a glory of watermelon vomit and stench.  *sigh*

At lunchtime, I called my bank to unlock my account.  This took about half my lifetime (kidding) to remedy.  Of course, the locked account caused my child support to be delayed and this left me with no lunch money.  *sigh*

I ended up working longer to make up for the morning.  When I left work, I went to the wrong spot to fetch my car.  I parked on the OTHER side of the lot today. Why????  Lord, only knows....

I started thinking about telling everyone that I had the worst day ever.  But did I really?

You would think my worst day would be when my mother passed away or when I fell off the ladder and busted my leg all to hell.  But no, these aren't the worst days. 

I didn't die.  The world didn't implode.  The moon didn't crash into the sun.  

I honestly don't think there is such a thing as the worst day ever.

These are just life's little inconveniences.

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