I didn't know what to expect when I was there. I did know that I needed to visit with my friend because life has been troublesome lately. I have lost motivation and spark. I haven't been creative in a while and I certainly was sick of the winter.
I have joked on occasion that I just want to pick up and move there without checking it out first. Maybe I should have waited to visit in July or August as I have also claimed to not be a huge fan of hot weather.
Anyway, I had the best visit. I loved Arcosanti's Windbells. Loved it! They are so very beautiful and so very touchable. (I love to touch things.) They are so unique and are made in the most architecturally interesting structure. I could just feel the creativity flow.
The Desert Botanical Garden was another amazing thing to see. So pretty and so peaceful even though it was raining off and on. The views were spectacular and the Wild Rising Crackling Art from Milan just added pops of color everywhere.
We ate such good food and had many good drinks. (Really really good drinks) Ok, I wasn't a fan of the rattlesnake.
I even got to experience Butterfly Wonderland. I just love butterflies. I couldn't have been happier than to spend time with them flying around. One even landed on me!
We did go to Art Walk in Scottsdale. I do love to look at art. It gets my creative juices flowing. I felt like I could maybe someday be one of those people who can do what they love and share it with anyone and everyone. I even got to meet Jim Sudal who is such an amazing human being. I even bought one of his pieces to take home.
The most epic part of the trip was to the Grand Canyon National Park. Such a beautiful part of America. I could appreciate anyone who traveled west in covered wagons and coming upon the Grand Canyon and wondering what in the hell they got themselves into. I have so many photos it is hard to choose what to share.
I even got to see a very rare white bat at the Rock Springs Cafe.
It's such a wonder to travel to somewhere new and appreciate the beauty and the history. I was in a huge city but it didn't feel very big at all. I feel more creative now. I want to work with new media and try some new projects. I feel rejuvinated.
The one thing (person) I miss the most in Arizona is not all of the sights, smells and art. It is my friend. She has known me for about 35 years. We are so very different and yet we just get each other. I love her to death and I appreciate her and her husband for putting up with me. I hope to return.
Some more photos.....
Me at the Desert Botanical Garden
A view from the street
They have an orange tree in their yard.
I am obsessed with all different kinds of light fixtures.
We went to pay respects to Waylon Jennings in Mesa, AZ.
Glass sculptures at Butterfly Wonderland.
Butterfly Wonderland also had some beautiful plants.
This cactus is hella old.
"It can take 10 years for a saguaro cactus to reach 1 inch in height. By 70 years of age, a saguaro cactus can reach 6 and a half feet tall, and will finally start to produce their first flowers. By 95-100 years in age, a saguaro cactus can reach a height of 15-16 feet, and could start to produce its first arm"
How to tell you're not in Wisconsin anymore.....
The city of Scottsdale lights it's streets.
See ya later alligator.....