I hesitate to write this. I've been silent for so long while a shitstorm is brewing around me.
This is a continuation of my blog entry, A Total Miscarriage of Justice.
December 1, 2017 is a day I will remember as one of the worse days of my life.
Everyday from the day the judge ordered in favor of the eviction up until December 1st and after has been hell.
After the court hearing, I started packing. I had to get everything packed and out of the house as fast as I could. I couldn't risk getting kicked out without having all of my belongings safe.
Once everything was out and stored in a safe place, I still couldn't rest. It was just a wait until my new place was ready to move into on December 1st. I was in a constant state of anxiety just waiting for that knock at the door from the sheriff.
We stayed in an empty house on air mattresses, just hoping we had time and we weren't going to be homeless for a couple of days. I also became so incredibly angry with the ex for allowing this all to happen.
On December 1st, I had the help of my friend, kids and dad to gt everything moved into our new place. I was and still am in constant fear that the crazy bitch will find me and my daughter.
We had almost everything moved in and I get a phone call from the local police asking me what I was going to do with my dog that was still at the house. I felt me skin go white. I asked him why was he at the house and that we weren't done moving yet. He said he was at the house with the bitch and that they wanted to know what to do with the dog. I said I was going to be right over and hung up.
When we get there, she is yelling and screaming and dragging my dog out of the house in her kennel. I'm yelling at her to let go and the cop is yelling at her to let go.
We get the dog taken care of. I told the officer that there are still two cats in the house and that that crazy bitch is in the house illegally. He said that she has the paperwork and when I asked to see it, he wouldn't let me see it.
My son opened the garage door using the code. My car is still in the garage. She comes storming out screaming that I am trespassing and she closes the garage door. I'm yelling that she's in the house illegally and the cop is yelling that he will cite us both.
Total chaos.
She gets the garage door closed.
My daughter asks about the cats. The cop wouldn't let anyone in. My daughter explains that her dad is in the house so the cop lets her go in.
Kate grabs my coat off the counter. (I assume she is going to use it to wrap the cat in it). That crazy bitch grabs my daughter and throws her down on the floor right in front of the cop and her father. I hear my daughter crying and the cop yelling about disorderly conduct. The bitch is yelling at the cop and my ex. I assumed that my daughter was crying because the cat scratched her. I only learned about the assault afterwards when I was called to the station to press charges.
A second cop shows up.
The bitch is inside going nuts. I hear her yelling at my ex who is telling her to give me my stuff. The cop is yelling at her. My kids, my friend and I are all standing outside with the second cop.
The second cop tells me that she has never seen anything like this. Clearly the bitch entered the house illegally. She was supposed to have the sheriff serve paperwork before the house could legally be entered.
I decided to call the sheriff's office since they do evictions and our local police do not. I knew it was wrong for the bitch to be in the house and to keep my car and the rest of my stuff.
Yes, she was going to keep my car.
While waiting for the sheriff, my ex comes out with my bedding. It is soaking wet. I asked him why in the hell it was wet. He said it was on the bathroom floor. I knew I left it on the kitchen counter and why in the hell was it wet.
I glance in the front door, there was water in the hallway. I look my ex in the eye and say, "that crazy bitch flooded the house". He said that there was water all over the basement and the upstairs bathrooms as well.
I just could not believe the level of crazy and this story isn't even over yet.
A sheriff deputy shows up and goes right in the house. There is more yelling.
My daughter is still trying to catch the cats.
So much chaos....
A second deputy shows up.
More yelling.
The cats are finally caught and secured in cars.
My daughter is being comforted by the cop who is outside with us.
Yelling and screaming inside the house.
At one point the cop outside with us must have seen the bitch lunge at one of the officers in the house. She puts her hand on her gun and prepares to enter the house. She apologized to us and explained that officer safety is her priority.
Finally our local cop comes out and explains that the sheriff deputies have explained that she is in the house illegally and that I am free to take my car and go.
I am allowed in the garage and go to get into my car and notice that there is glass all over the seat. I look up and my windshield is smashed and a tire iron is laying my the car.
My heart sank.
I called the cop over and showed him. I took a picture and he said just get in and go.
I look up and the two deputies are trying to hold the bitch back in the garage doorway. She was trying to come after me.
There are no words to fully explain how I feel. It has been a couple of months since this happened.
I am still very angry. I constantly look over my shoulder. That crazy bitch is incredibly violent. She has physically attacked my ex. She cannot know where I live. I'm escorted out of work. I worry for my daughter's safety.
There is so much more to this shitstorm that what I can say or write about at this time.
To be continued...