I don't think I have ever had one where I completely unwound from life's little stresses.
It may very well be a long long time before I even get a vacation.
Things just have been building up and they never ever really get resolved or any sort of relief.
I love my job but it does have its stressful moments. I often consider taking my "damn it" doll with me in the morning. It is this cloth doll that is ugly and you are supposed to choke it or hit someone with it when you are irritated. Someday Damn It will have his very own blog entry.
I love my kids but as anyone knows, who has kids, that they can be little bundles of stress themselves. Just today my daughter comes home from Ash Wednesday services with her dad just ranting and yelling about how she is never going to church again....ever. She lit into me because I was trying to make an Oreo Torte and I have no idea why that had any connection with church, but um....ok.
Seriously....its an Oreo Torte. Back off, crab ass.
I love my guinea pigs but the new pig is a total shit head. He is young and doesn't understand the house rules yet. The new pig is still trying to make himself known and chatters a lot and runs around the pen, making a racket. The older pig has about enough of the new pig. I think I even saw him eyeball my damn it doll to whack the noobie.
I don't love where I live but hey, its a roof over my head and the rent is cheap. But the damn neighbors are pissing me off. The downstairs asshole screamed and swore at me for parking in "his" space. Um....we don't have assigned spaces. The neighbors next door play this funny game called "Let's See Who Can Yell the Loudest". If they keep it up, they will learn that the winner will be me.
Oh and I can't forget about my daily dose of pain with my teeth. I need to have oral surgery to have four removed, prepped for implants, and some serious fixing done. This doesn't come cheap even with insurance. To get started, I need to have $1500 up front. So this means that I have to wait to have any sort of relief from the pain. My diet consists of ibuprofen,Tylenol, Vicodin, penicillin, mashed potatoes, pudding and occasional cottage cheese.
I think I just need a break.
Oy indeed! I think we all could use a Dammit Doll. A Fuck It Bucket runs a close second.
ReplyDeleteFuck It Bucket!!!! hahahahaha Thanks for the laugh