Sometimes I sit and just wish....
I wish I was taller sometimes. It seems like I am three inches too short to reach just about anything. Why in the heck do they put two liters up so high at the local Piggly Wiggly? I just stand there and sigh and say a little prayer that I won't just drop one on my head as I try to finaggle (yes, that's a word) it out of its spot and into my cart.
I wish I were prettier sometimes. I look in the mirror at my poor tired face and think I just looked better about 10 years ago. Life really takes its toll on a woman's face. Just sayin...
I wish I were richer sometimes. Not just with money but with wealth. It seems that I don't have much of anything. I don't have an estate. They do say money can't buy happiness but I don't think I would be sad sitting in a big house with no payment. I also don't think I'd miss my job much. It tend to make me tired.
I wish I had more friends that lived closer and wanted to do shit. I basically sit at my job all day (looking tired) and then I go home and sit (looking tired) alone. I don't interact with anyone other than my kids. I don't go to a Saturday bridge club nor do I go bowling. I don't do much of anything except spend time with myself.
I wish I could just go some where else. I get tired of being some where. I watch that House Hunters show where these people just leave the life they are living to live another life some where else that is different. I think, "Wow, such new experiences and cultures." I was to just go do that.
I wish my kids got along better. They bicker and argue. This makes me tired (and have a headache). They aren't very tolerant of each other. I keep thinking that things will get better as they get older but so far they are just older.
I wish I could have spent more time with my mom before she died. I regret not just going to spend time with her. Instead I stayed here with no friends and my crappy job (my old job that made me not only tired but angry). I should have just left here and went there.
I wish I could have explained to my mom how therapy was working. She would have just got defensive though and probably angry and most likely would have stopped talking to me. She got mad at everyone else including her mom and sisters and my dad and other people and just stopped talking to them. She made it difficult to be me sometimes.
I wish I was skinnier. I know I should diet and exercise and all that crap but I don't. It is my fault but still, I can wish for it. I wish french fries made you drop the pounds.
I wish I could be with someone who wouldn't just leave me or cheat on me or just be a real douche bag. This tends to prevent me from dating. It also makes me lonely. Maybe this is why I got the three damn cats. This is why women get cats. They get tired of being hurt. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is.
I wish I was happier. I need to find out what exactly makes me happy. I need to find a passion or have a goal or something.
I wish I could write a fabulous book that allowed me to do tours and be on stage to talk about the crap in my book. People would always want to come listen to what I have to say because I am witty and wise.
I wish my asthma would go away. I cough so hard sometimes that it feels like my brains will explode out my mouth and leave me dead right there on the street. My chest hurts and it makes me tired.
I wish I could go back in time and just do what I wanted to do instead of what others wanted me to do. I would have made mistakes. I probably would have had regrets. I most likely would have failed a few times. I just would have been better than wondering "what if".
I wish I wasn't so tired sometimes.
I just wish....
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